Thoughts on life during a pandemic

Thoughts on life right now...

I was reading something that a therapist wrote, I forget where at the moment. She was saying that our thought process right now is chaotic as we try to stay within known boundaries of habit. Expecting our reactions to be the same as we’ve known, as our brain and bodies struggle with the present realities of the not known. We may have emotional reactions that seem to come from out of the blue. Periods of high energy, followed by sheer exhaustion. Forgetfulness and anxiety. A need to create some semblance of life as we have known it to create sense in a place where on varying levels we are processing the fact that nothing is as it was. Most are unprepared for what that means to daily life, to our mental and physical well being and how to adapt to realizing just how little control we really do have over our own lives. Life will never be as we have known it. We will move forward viewing through a different lens.

As a collective we are in a situation where we are all being forced to think about our lives, who and what is important as well as things like intimacy (not just sexual intimacy), connection, who we are outside of of our jobs, titles and societal attempts to pigeonhole us. How we handle loneliness, what our responsibilities are to ourselves, how that translates to others in our lives. Emotional language may be expanded to include things like anxiety, panic attacks, feelings of disconnection, fear of the unknown, vulnerability. Many will continue to try to make all of this uncertainty squeeze into their boxes of how things should be, others will have expansive thoughts around what could be, still others will question conventional so called wisdom and expertise. Shame, blame and guilt will be used to try to control those that question the ones in power who don’t really know any more than the rest of us and have their own personal agendas.

There is no playbook for this, this is a huge slap to the collective forehead of humanity to wake the fuck up, shake up how we think about things and hopefully lead to more expansive, creative thought processes that value people over corporate greed, well being over having to fit some restrictive societal dictate and a collective education that goes beyond rote learning of things that don’t actually provide room for creative, critical thinking and throwing out the damn box. The same old, same old isn’t gonna cut it, the herd mentality keeps us trapped and the patriarchal fear based model is full of shit. The government that some bitch and moan about is the same one they now expect to ride in to save them. We see how ineffectual and broken the current iteration of the republic actually is. There will be many who choose to keep their head in the sand, to believe that others need to think the way they do, that we have to keep doing things that we know because that’s the way it’s always been done. Lack mentality will push some to do all they can try to isolate themselves against any loss, regardless of the consequences. Maybe, just maybe there will be those that even with disparate backgrounds will begin to listen to each other, to be able to accept each other because of their differences and the realization that those things are what make for strength and the fear keeps us weak. To respect rather than judge and dismiss. We have the choice at the crossroads to move beyond our own self and societal imposed standards to grow into a better place, an expansive place. What a damn concept that is.

The alternative is to continue to try to force the same old shit in the same old ways that created the shitstorm we presently find ourselves. Not everyone is going to be able to get there at the same time as the harsh reality of the pendulum swings back from centuries of masculine energy and the last grasping by some to hold onto their power by any means necessary. Humanity has a big choice to make, will we chose love or fear.

And for those of you that need a little off kilter humor, in the words of Tallahassee in Zombieland, “it’s time to nut up or shut up”. I would offer that maybe this requires a tad more of “ovary up” at this particular juncture in time.

And in the words of Brene’ Brown: “stay awkward, brave and kind”



Ladies of the Pod

My podcast adventure began about a 15 months ago. I had an idea for a podcast and absolutely no idea on how to create one, much less how to edit and produce it. Thus began some frenzied idea sessions and my business mentor Pat telling me to take the last two months of 2017 and collect some info and take my time to let my creative ideas have time to marinate. That started me on the path of listening to all kinds of podcasts, by all sorts of people, covering a myriad of topics. I listened to style, voice, topic and format. I discovered a lot of men doing podcasts and with time found more and more women. I kept track of things I liked, things I didn’t, found a great episode by Amy Porterfield that gave me all sorts of info about the tools of podcasting.

From there I joined several online podcast groups on Facebook and started reading posts and asking questions. At the same time I had created my Unapologetically You focus group and started asking some questions and then came up with the idea of creating the Woman of the Week series with the weekly blog post interview. In the beginning some of the women weren’t sure they had anything to offer, but the series picked up steam and I had so much fun learning about these ladies and celebrating them every week.

In the midst of that I started the Monday Muse series that were ladies I found on Instagram. I reached out to several and got such positive response. I knew that when I was ready to do the podcast that I wanted it to be about women sharing their stories, just like the blog post interviews. While I was trying to figure out how I wanted the format to take shape, I was listening to a Tim Ferris podcast episode and he had a guest on that was talking about what the key elements are for a podcast. Tim’s response was that he wasn’t that structured with his and the guest gave me the words I needed to move forward. While Tim said that he wasn’t very structured, his guest said you have shape that is important and allows for spontaneous conversations to happen.

After that I worked on finding the tools I needed without spending huge amounts of money and my title, Titanium Blonde Talks. From there I spent several hours just recording myself talking into a microphone and getting comfortable. Then I started reaching out to women to offer invitations to be a guest. It took much longer than I ever anticipated to pull it all together and even longer to work out the editing piece. There were a couple of glitches with the interviews and my old lady WiFi connection that caused more delays and needing to re-record a couple of episodes. The editing was still my main struggle until I found a great YouTube video that showed me the pieces I was missing and I was off and running.

I recorded a couple of solo episodes, finally got approved by Apple Podcasts and uploaded my first two episodes after the intro. In the meantime I sent out DM’s and emails asking ladies if they would like to join me for an interview. Luckily my friend Brittany was my first interview, our second try at recording worked and I started getting more yes’s from my requests.

Fast forward to today and I have 9 interviews live, 4 more recorded that need editing, several more on the schedule to record in January and a brand new monthly series sparked by one of my interviewees. Our first Topic Talk went live in December. It is multiple guests and a specific topic with a free form conversation sharing our own experiences. The chemistry was great, the conversation interesting and I am so grateful to my guests Jenna and Bentley for trusting me to go on this journey. We just recorded our second episode yesterday that will be live on the 25th and had a special guest join in this time as well..

I have had such great response from the majority of the women who have responded to my invitations. For many it is a big step outside their comfort zone and I am so appreciative of their time, honesty and willingness to share part of their lives with me and my audience. My desire with all of this was to create a space for women to share, to create connection and community and to have a safe platform for all of that to happen. It is fluid and growing and changing as time goes on. There are so many women out there seeking some of the same things I was and I have learned so much more than I ever anticipated about the woman who join me on the pod. The stories that these women share are incredible, as incredible as each of the women are.

Thank you to my ladies of the pod, you are now all members of the “Pod Squad” , thank you to all of you who have listened and followed me on this journey to create this space and continue to celebrate women from all walks of life. There is room at the table and you are welcome to join me!



Monday Muse: Kathryn Budig

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This week Kathryn Budig is our featured Monday Muse. She is a yoga teacher, author, podcaster and foodie!

1). You have a substantial yoga career, how has your teaching style changed/morphed over the years?

It’s always in flux. I started out obsessed with asana, particularly arm balances, because I came from a regimented ashtanga background. And then I fell in love with backbends and the challenging surrender they evoked. I eventually started teaching more concepts — my aim true philosophy — and now blend my love of storytelling, food, personal philosophies and asana into my teaching.

2).  In your personal practice what if anything has resulted in you having an “ah-ha” moment that you still carry with you onto the mat?

That there is always room to change. It’s easy to get stuck and feel like there’s only one way to success or happiness, and I’ve learned that simply isn’t true. Even though change and stepping outside of the norm can be exhausting and terrifying—it’s worth it.

3). Who inspires you to be your best self?

My wife always challenges me to be better. Seane Corn pushes me to be the best teacher possible, and I find constant inspiration and joy in my dog, Ashi.

4). What is the best purchase you have made in recent memory?

A trip to Santorini. All of my best purchases have been traveling to places because it gives me amazing memories.

5). When you feel your creativity is stalled what do you do?

I try to turn off my phone. I’ve noticed my creativity is dulled by too much scrolling and absent-minded time on my phone/computer. I start seeing more detail and get small patches of inspiration when I do this.

6). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

I’ve come to trust that if something doesn’t happen for me, it wasn’t mine to start with. It’s a terrible tonic to swallow, but it’s absolute truth. I always do my best, and know that if I keep true to the intention behind my projects as opposed to the specific results, I’ll always find the right home and audience for my creations.

7). If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

Focus On What’s Working — because it’s too easy to waste time fixating on the things that hold us back.

8). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Allowing myself to exist in a land without answers. I always needed to know things were going to be okay and on schedule, and letting go of that grip has allowed me to find solutions and alternate paths when things don’t pan out the way I want.

9). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Allowing myself to exist in a land without answers. Yup, the exact same thing that I’ve most benefited from. Ain’t that always the case?

10). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Getting married, the future of our podcast, Free Cookies, and what I’m making for dinner.

11). When does your curiosity create difficulty?

My curiosity only gets me in trouble when it leads to comparison.

Kathryn, thank you so much for your honesty. I love your billboard message, I am going to have to write that one down. Since this interview happened, Kathryn did get married and Seane Corn officiated the ceremony. Congratulations Kathryn and Kate!! Stay tuned, we are working on getting a time together to record a podcast interview soon!



Monday Muse: Morgan Tyler

Please welcome this week’s Monday Muse, Morgan. A yoga teacher, traveler, and entrepreneur.

1). What was the first yoga experience you had that when you walked away you couldn’t wait to go back?

Honestly I found that spark in my little basement on my mat at home. I think the excitement of a self practice and starting to intuitively move my body really inspired my love of yoga. I didn’t start attending studio classes until 10 months later.

2).  In your personal practice what if anything has resulted in you having an “ah-ha” moment that you still carry with you onto the mat?

Non attachment. Non attachment to an idea or goal or pose. Every single break through I’ve had in my practice happened when I least or flat out didn’t expect it. I think we don’t even realize how much mental and emotional pressure we put on ourselves sometimes, and so the days where I was feeling sub-par or not super motivated ended up being some of my best practices because that pressure to ‘perform’ if you will, hasn’t be pre-determined in my head.

3). What is a lesson you have imparted to others?

Something I say all the time is it’s YOUR practice. There is no right or wrong on your mat. At the end of the day, teachers are wonderful, but you are your own best guru. Who knows your body better than you? Trust yourself.

4). What role does silence play in a conversation?

It can play two very different roles. Are you listening to form an opinion? Or are you listen to actually LISTEN?

5). Where do you go to experiment?

I usually head outdoors. Especially somewhere sunny, maybe with other people around. There’s something about fresh air, sunshine and community that gets my creative juices flowing

6). What mistake would you make again?

Falling in love.

7). If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

Manifest your future.’ I don’t think enough people realize the importance of speaking your thoughts, goals and dreams into existence. You can literally change the course of your life.

8). What does approaching a breakthrough feel like?

Honestly I think it feels similar to drowning. Usually right before your biggest breaks are your deepest lows. And then all of the sudden you have no idea how suddenly everything just flipped. Life has a way of being cheeky like that.

9). What is your biggest challenge, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

My tendency to worry. About EVERYTHING. If I’m being honest 99% of the answers to these questions are things that I need to be repeating to myself everyday, haha. It’s always easier to give others advice than actually take it yourself.

10). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Wondering when I’ll be eating next, buying a house and I really have to pee as I’m typing this.

11). When have your instincts led you astray?

I’m not sure I really believe in your instincts leading you astray. I think if you followed your gut in THAT MOMENT and that’s what felt right to you, than you can’t look back on the situation and regret it.

Thank you so much Morgan for sharing your thoughts and wisdom. You can find Morgan on Instagram @findingmorgantyler and on her website at Morgan has 2 different offerings for her e-books called Ab Asanas and I can attest to the fact that they do indeed work. If you are looking to gain more core strength for your yoga practice or just general core strength this will definitely do that for you.



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Monday Muse: Phoebe Sherman

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Please join me in welcoming this week’s Monday Muse, Phoebe Sherman. Phoebe is a yoga teacher, an artist and an entrepreneur/creator of Girl Gang Craft. She’s a lady boss working it all! Phoebe is also a guest on an upcoming episode of the Titanium Blonde Talks Podcast.

1). What lead you to create Girl Gang Craft?

Girl Gang Craft was created by accident. I was gathering a group of ladies to put on a craft show at our friend’s Bike Shop / Cafe (Luckyduck Bicycle Cafe) and somehow I ended up making a website and an instagram. The rest is history! We’ve kinda exploded since.

Since then Girl Gang Craft has expanded to so much more than a craft fair. We have a clothing line and an accessory line designed by me. Our uterus line brings in 10% to Planned Parenthood and we have given them over $1200 to this date. We hosts workshops and community events, and help women build their brands. We do logo design and web design and help women run businesses to be the best they can be!

2).  Where do you go to experiment?

I think I don’t experiment enough. I would love to paint more for fun. What keeps me sane though is my yoga practice. I am a Mysore Practitioner, so I get up every morning ( ok maybe 4 mornings) and go to the yoga studio and do my thing. It is a vigorous physical practice. I am also a big sun lover. When I need to reset I just go lay down on my driveway and soak up that afternoon sun. Having time to myself makes me much more creative and focused after.

3).  What do you purposefully leave undone?

My bra clasps when working. heheh jk.

I am learning to leave more things undone! If I have a do to list, I tend to want to get them all checked off as soon as possible. I’m learning it’s ok to pace myself and do a little less.

4). What is the best purchase you have made in recent memory?

My big girl computer!

5). How has your past shaped who you are?

As an avid feminist and artist I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing right now. I even studied feminist studies and art in college! Somehow I’m actually doing something in both fields. As someone who has had a difficult relationship with my body, I am happy to be creating a body positive, feminist community.

6). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

I think yoga has taught me that everything is a practice. My business, my relationships, my day to day, we’re all just trying to do the best we can. I have learned to not be so hard on myself, I have learned that this whole life is a practice and all you can do is show up with integrity. I strive to slow down always, the Virgo in me has a hard time with that!

7). If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

Fuck Trump! ? That’s all I can think of right now. Or perhaps something more positive. My favorite quote is “Well behaved women rarely make history” -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. I’ve had a small pin with that on it since I was like in 2nd grade. I think we need to be loud and question everything. We need to deconstruct what we think is fact. We need to strive to be better and speak our truth.

8). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

That I am highly capable and that I am able to manifest anything I can desire. But also with some knowledge that I am able to do these things because of my privilege. There is a meme by @riseupgoodwitch “Maybe you manifested it, maybe it’s white privilege” which is sooo true. I am so so lucky to be where I am today and to center myself to bring in abundance. This  is an absolute direct result of my privilege. That being said, I do believe in my power to create and manifest.

9). What is your biggest challenge, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Doing too much!

10). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Usually food. Then my to do list. Then food. :)

11). What does approaching a breakthrough feel like?

Breakthroughs seem like a big word. I think of small victories.

I am just content to look back at all I’ve accomplished this past year as a whole. Girl Gang Craft is turning one and we are having our biggest event yet August 12 in Oakland at Classic Cars West with 52 vendors. I am so happy to be able to foster a positive nurturing community. I cannot wait to see what is in store for our next year. We are manifesting events in multiple cities. I can’t wait!

Thank you Phoebe for sharing your wisdom and insight. You can find Phoebe on her websites: or

Below are a few of her photos and stay tuned for her interview on the podcast coming soon!

Woman of the Week: Jackie

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This week's WOW is a longtime friend and yoga student.  Both Jackie and her husband Dave regularly came to my yoga classes in Poulsbo for years.  They travel often to offer vet services to foreign countries that need assistance, have a sweet Air Stream trailer and a bundle of grandkids they love and adore.  

1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

I finally figured out that it is ok to say no.  It’s very liberating to realize I don’t have to please everyone.  I still want to be there for the important people in my life and by letting go of toxic relationships I have more time for those people.  It has also allowed really good friendships to blossom.

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

I don’t know how to answer that. 

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?

The best purchase has definitely been our Airstream.  I never thought I would want to own a travel trailer but it has been a good purchase for us, we’ve already taken a road trip with two of our grandkids and hope to create more memories taking many trips in the future. The bonus is that we can take our dog with us.

4). If you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

Find something to be grateful for every day.  When we can find something we are grateful for even during our worst days it can change the way we deal with hardships and makes us appreciate the good times.  I think finding gratitude for even small things keeps us grounded

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

Every time I’m faced with difficult situations I turn to my husband and we work it out together.  One of the best things about of our relationship is that we just naturally support each other when life throws crazy at us.

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

The little voice in my head.   I am a positive person but I can be my own worst critic. 

7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

As I have gotten older and had to learn many life lessons I realize that there is life after failure and I have to let go of what’s not working in order to open the door to better things.

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?

My last birthday present was a show at Disney World with all four of my grandkids.  Anything that involves my grandkids is guaranteed to make me happy.

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?

I would have to say my grandkids inspire me.  I want the best for them so I know I have to lead by example because they are paying attention.

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?

You are a strong woman; don’t give someone else the power to silence your true self.

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?

I would travel a lot and take my family with me as much as possible

12). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

I am trying to stay focused on my commitment to be my healthiest self.

I am worried about the negative energy that is surrounding us right now.

Having just come back from Uganda the poverty I saw in the small villages is definitely on my mind

Thank you for sharing Jackie, I miss seeing you in yoga class!



Monday Muse: Brittany Hoogenboom

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Please join me in welcoming today's Monday Muse, Brittany.  I met B several years ago on Instagram in some yoga challenge.  So much has changed over the years since we met.  She has embarked on a whole new career path and 9 days ago we got to finally meet in person after talking about it for all this time.  Please join me in welcoming her to the blog today!

1). You have made a big change in your career life recently, what sparked the transformation for you?

The freedom of living my truth and knowing that I am supported not only by my inner being but those around me sparked the transformation. Living my truth has also brought financial freedom and financial wealth in a way that I never imagined. I am more excited about my life than ever before and the fact that I get to spend everyday doing what I do, connecting to source energy, guiding others to do the same, loving life, spreading love, dancing daily, being my own boss, this life is so magical.

2).  What mistake would you make again?

This question is like a paradox. There are no mistake that I would make again because all the mistakes made were divinely planned at the time they were made for growth in that moment. I am transcending my being to align with the highest vibration of myself and if it chooses to have me make a mistake again to learn something over in a new light I receive it by going with the flow.

3). Where do you feel most nurtured?

I feel the most nurtured in my own skin every moment I take a second to reconnect with my breath or dance. When I am smiling and beaming gratitude for all of life.

4). What is the best purchase you have made in recent memory?

The best purchase I made was Thought Cloud CBD and I fell so much in love with the Cannabis medicine in that form and for the company that I joined their affiliate team!

5). How do you build endurance?

I use affirmations and dance. Life endurance comes from connecting with yourself through gratitude and everytime I move my body to music I give thanks for the fact that my body is able to move in the way that it does and that I am living in this life doing what I am put here to do, to spread Divine Love.

6). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

Like one of my hero’s Anjua Maximo  (@the_electriclife)  said “We fail up.” Failure gives you opportunities to grow! There is no wrong failure! Choose to grow from that space by reaching for the light in a new direction.

7). If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

haaa I love this question it was say “I AM A MAGICAL MOTHA FUCKER” because when people would drive by to and see it they would be repeating that affirmation to themselves and fuck has passion in it, with that intention of course.

8). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

It would take me years to write all of that but one thing that has truly transformed my life is the understanding of how the law of attraction words in EVERY area of life. From money to getting your kids to listen! The Universal Law of Attractions is POWERFUL and I don’t think many people realize how powerful it truly is. I live my life like a vision board and I am grateful to be able to do so because I am attracting all that I want in my life in the name of Divine Love.

9). What is your biggest challenge, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

My biggest challenge is continuing to align with my truth and keep my boundaries and create the life I want through my words and actions in my marriage because my husband doesn’t put as much conscious energy into his life so I keep reminding myself to listen to my heart, to listen to my intuition, to transmute and create from the law of attraction even if he doesn’t choose so. I AM mastering it and I continue to create all that I seek and want in my life and all that is seeking me at the highest vibrations. I trust in my higher self and occasionally I catch myself letting his worries pull me out of that vibration and I have to talk myself back into a alignment.

10). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

On my mind right now is growing my business by expanding the 4 week coaching/mentorship session because this is the most exciting thing in my life right now and I am excited to have more and more people join me! I get to go visit one of my best friends, Christina (@Christina_Sutra) who I have met on instagram. I literally booked my ticket as I was answering these questions. Weaving my dreams into reality. I am excited to continue to weave my dreams into reality. I am excited to guide millions and millions of people to self love and connecting with their highest truth to live their truth, and I am excited to become a young millionaire while doing so.

11). When are you the most observant?

When I taking a deep breathe and in a space of gratitude

Brittany, thank you so much for sharing with us!!  Stay tuned Brittany will be on an upcoming podcast episode soon!!




Woman of the Week: Sue

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Please join me in celebrating Sue this week.  She is my friend Cyn's sister and while we have never met in person, we stay in touch with Facebook...


1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Faith over fear

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

something i want to try and hopefully will become a habit is stand up paddle boarding

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?

Bought a new jeep  first new car IN OVER 14 YEARS AND i LOVE IT  Just not a fan of having to pay for it.:)

 you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

Be sure you vote  Ths is so very important now

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

Retreat to think thing out and regroup

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Taking care of my husband

7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

When thngs dont go as expected  go your own way

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?

a bike charm from my son with a heartfelt note about our bike trip to the south if France

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?

my kidas and my grand kids

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?

get ready for the ride

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?
Lving on the beach in Kauai

12). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

gettin my house on the Big Islamd done on my budget

the craziness sthat is happening in our countrty

How to enjoy the rest of my life

Bonus question:

When does bravery become foolhardy?  this is a toughy  Not sure that it does ever if you beleive in the cause and can make it work.

Thanks Sue!  As a new car owner myself after 15 years I understand the love of the new car and the not so much about having to pay for it...



Woman of the Week: Teresa


Please join me in welcoming Teresa to our Woman of the Week interview series.  Due to technical difficulties I am a day late.  She is a friend from high school and again through the magic of Facebook we reconnected later in life.  I love her passion, her search for wisdom and peace and her sense of humor!

1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Believing that whatever energy you put out there, is what will come back at you. Positive energy attracts positive, negative gets negative. When shit is not going well, I try to stop and look at what’s going on in me!

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

I can be a bit OCD and if I am out shopping I have a been known to fix clothes on hangers, put things back where they are supposed to go, etc…I have even been asked if I work there. If I come to your house and see weeds I will pull them. So if you were not home and see a pile of weeds, you know that I was there…lol Now mind you I am not like that in my own home but outside of it, I can’t help myself. I am ok with it 😊

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?

When I bought my BMW x3. She was new to me with low mileage and good price. Lucy has been the best vehicle I have ever had and loved to drive. I feel about her like you do Black Beauty, it will be a very sad day for me when I must give her up!

4). If you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

Throw Kindness around like Confetti – because we need more kindness to stick on people in our world!

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

I get quiet if I am among a group of people. If I am at home, I retreat to my cave and look at why I am responding this way. I don’t get overwhelmed often, I have learned if it’s something that I can ask for help with, then I do.

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Managing expectations. I have high expectations of most people and it can be frustrating. I have learned over the years to evaluate quickly if it’s important or not and if not to let it go. I think I have learned so much about myself in this area.

7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

As a nurse many years ago, I became very good at the computers. I was burned out as a Nurse and wanted to get into creating and building the system they were using in the hospital I worked at. I applied and was shot down, “Not enough experience” they said. I took that as a challenge and over the next year learned everything that I could. The following year they were coming to me to offer me a job. Set your mind on something, put the hard work in and it does pay off.

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?

My son’s appreciation of me as his Mother. His acknowledgment of being raised by a single mom when he was very young and the hard work I put in.

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?

Honestly people around me constantly inspire me to be my best self. Either from their bad actions or from their wonderful ones. I have been fortunate to have some loving, intelligent and down to earth people in my life, who want to share their knowledge and receive some of mine also. I love collaboration on anything!

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?

Boys are dumb, and most don’t get much better when they get older. Looks are nice but your brain is what is going to take you places. You are the most important person in your life, workout those insecurities, know your worth, LOVE yourself above all else. Find a way to go check out the word and have a great time learning it all!

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?

Travel the world. Meet and understand more people from other cultures. Volunteer more.

12). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?  

- What do I want this second half of my life to look like?
- With all the information out there at our fingertips, it troubles me how small people’s minds and     worlds are ☹
- The state of our country and what will be left after this administration gets done with it.


Bonus Question:

When are you most observant?

When am I not observant…lol I am always observant, it’s the nosiness in me…hahaha! I think being in the Military and a NUrse honed that gift for me.

Thank you T for sharing with us!




Friday FIVE!

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Friday FIVE!!

This is what I am playing with this week.

1:  Book on audible:  All the Single Ladies:  Unmarried women and the rise of an independent nation.  I purchased this last week and then got an invite from my friend Pat to join a book discussion group about the book for the month of August, can't wait to dive in deeper!

2:  Watching the original Mama Mia movie and the sequel.  Yes it is what it is, but it is lighthearted, happy and silly and GREECE!

3:  Working on the next group of ladies from the focus group for the WOW series and starting to pull together the question list for them all.  I can't believe that I am already into the third group!!

4:  Podcast interview contacts.  I am working on lining up several ladies to record podcast episodes, some of them have been on the Monday Muse series and this will follow up their initial interview there, some of them have yet to appear as a Muse and some are just people I want to have tell their story.  I also have several solo episodes to get recorded as well.

5: Researching new laptop options, after 9 years it is time to upgrade the hardware and give my slowly dying beast a rest.  I will be happy to have things like WiFi connections working again, a non-glitchy keyboard and mouse buttons.  Coming in August the next new toy.  Though I would love a Mac, I just cannot justify the cost at roughly 3 times the cost of a windows laptop...  Oh and a new external hard drive for all the files ever amen.

That's it for this week..  Happy weekend, get out and have some fun!

PS:  here is a little popcicle recipe to beat the dog days of summer heat




Friday FIVE!

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It's that time of the week again, Friday FIVE...  Here is what caught my attention this week.

1:  Reading:  A Thousand Days in Tuscany by Marlena de Blasi.  A memoir by de Blasi who is a chef and the second book about her life, the first one, A Thousands Days in Venice.  I am so enjoying her story of Tuscany, which is one of my favorite places on earth.

2:  Summer foods:  I am eating all the berries, peaches, cherries and watermelon I can get my hands on.  I’m busy freezing some of the berries for my smoothies this winter and I have to say that I am loving my cherry pitter big time.

3:  Dreaming of:  a cute little house that I can make my own and fill with great finds.  I am working on just staying open to that happening and not setting up any sort of expectation.  With housing prices the way they are, it will take some sort of miracle for me to afford anything close to where I live , but I am believing the magic will happen.

4:  Audiobook I am loving:  Come as you are: The Surprising New Science that will transform your sex life, by Emily Nagoski, Ph. D, there is some incredible information here that the anatomy geek in me loves and some interesting things that I am learning about how we have evolved and what as women we have been bombarded with to keep us from truly enjoying our sexuality.  If you are looking for something a little more less science and more summer entertainment try this one:  The Lost Vintage by Ann Mah

5:  Watching:  Jumanji, the newish one with Duane Johnson and Jack Black.  Suggested by my new friend and I laughed my ass off through most of it.  Jack Black does an amazingly funny job with his character, I loved it.  Light hearted, funny and enjoyable.

That is it for this week.  I hope that you are enjoying your summer, I have been beach walking almost every day, soaking up the sun and enjoying the doors and windows being open.



Woman of the Week: Julie

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An update after some technical difficulties on July 4th.  Please welcome Julie as our WOW.  From back in the high school days and connected again through the Facebook community.

1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Slow down and'll all be there tomorrow.  Spending years trying to live up to others expectations, taking care of everyone and everything else without a thought as to how it would effect me, was exhausting and no doubt has had something to do with my health issues.  It takes a toll on your mind and body.

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

I love to go barefoot or wear my Birks all year round.....rain or shine and no socks!!  I garden (sliverless bark is a must), mow the lawn, forget to put shoes on when I leave the house...which can cause a problem if you need to stop at the grocery store or bank.  I try to keep a pair of flip flops in the car now! 

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?

My DIVORCE!!  It was one of the most expensive purchases ever

4). If you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness"

We were assigned a project in junior high to "smile" at people and to keep smiling to see if we could get a smile back from others.  It's heartwarming to have that person with the grumpy or sad look on their face, smile back.  It makes me feel like I may have just changed someones day.  Not much better than a genuine smile to make my day!

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

I've always been a pretty quiet, shy person which stems from my insecurities.  With the brain problems and other health issues I am dealing with, I tend to be overwhelmed more often than not.  I will get even quieter, turn inward and hide, which means staying home trying to figure out which of the many unfinished projects to try and work on.  

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

My brain!  I have a TBI, which since your brain controls everything, it causes a lot of issues.  Being that it is also an invisible injury just adds to the issues in others ways.  

7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

This is a very hard one for me as I haven't ever really felt successful.  Which, that being said, I'd say my favorite failure was my marriage as it allowed me to be mom 3 beautiful, loving, amazing kids and stepmom to 2 amazing girls!

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?

A text message from my 22 yo son, for no reason (the best part) telling me how much he loves me, what he loves about me and what a positive , important person I am and always have been in his life.  

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?

These days I am inspired by strong, creative, independent women, never apologizing for who they are, women in this group, like Sherry Eckert!  Women, who take charge of their lives and are always working, one way or another to take care of themselves, making themselves a priority as they should be,

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?

You never know what tomorrow will bring, so live today!   There aren't any "rules" that you have to follow at this time of your life.  If you want to go backpacking through Europe, go do it.  If you want to take a year off school and work on a dude ranch in Montana, do it.  Regardless, there isn't any need to "settle" or "settle down" at this point in your life.  Go live!

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?

I would be traveling the world with friends and family, by all means possible....sailing, hiking, flying, driving, camels and elephants too!

12). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Money - thinking about the future and how I'm going to manage it is very scary!

Health - my grandmother lived a rich, full life just short of 101 yo.  She lived on here own, cooked, cleaned, managed her everyday life till 6 months before she died.  I always told her I hoped I had her genes.  With the medical issues that I have, medical insurance costs, procedures, etc again, it is very scary to think how I will manage it all.

Kids/Country - I always am thinking about my kids, but even more so now with the ways of the world and what it will look like by the time they may want to start families.  

Thank you so much Julie for honest and heartfelt responses.  And thank you for the compliment, I do my best to just be me every single day.



Friday FIVE!

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I took a couple weeks break to just give myself some space and now I am back because it's Friday and that means it's time for the FIVE!

1:  Audible book I enjoyed for just the fiction story:  The Lost Vintage by Ann Mah.  I couldn't stop listening to it.  Really enjoyed the story.

2:  Podcast:  Slow Burn, an 8 episode series about Watergate.  It has some eerie cross overs to present day.

3:  Watching:  Season Premiere of Sharp Objects on HBO, it's less out there than Westworld, but has some interesting people dynamics.  I am a big Amy Adams fan, will be curious to see where this one goes.

4:  With the warmer weather I have gotten back on the smoothie train and with all of the fresh raspberries and blackberries right now it is a berry feast.  I have been using Oat Milk and I really like the difference in taste from coconut.

5:  Double low tides at the beach have been happening during the daylight hours so that I can walk the beach twice in a day.  I always sit with my feet in the sand before I hit the hills to home.

Here is a little tasty recipe for you:



Woman of the Week: Susan


Celebrating this week's WOW, Susan, a writer and a fellow traveler on the reinvention road.  She's been working on expanding her tech knowledge of late, congrats on taking the leap!


1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

“If it’s a priority, you’ll find a way, if not, you’ll find an excuse.”

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

“Fresh, clean bedding with fresh clean pajamas and fresh clean self.”

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?

“My car. I manifested it. I wrote a list of what I wanted in a car and I found it all in this car (the one thing I didn’t write down was the color, but I’m pleased with what I got)”

4). If you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

“It’s LIE down, not LAY down.”

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

“Burn candles. I am a spiritual pyromaniac.”

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?


7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

“You learn how to handle it. You look for the lessons in it. I always want to go back and redo the thing and succeed to prove to myself that I can do the thing.”

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?

“A wonderful friend painted my aura on a rock. It’s pink, red, gold, blue. It’s beautiful.”

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?

“Me. I have to do it for me.”

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?

“It’s your damn life. Pleasing others isn’t going to please you or bring you peace.”

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?

“Travel, travel, travel. And market my books.”  

Thank you Susan!



Monday Muse: Anjua Maximo

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Please join me in welcoming this month's Muse, Anjua.  Anjua, is a Life Coach, Speaker, Entrepreneur and a Mama.  I love her thoughts around what balance looks like for her, check out her interview for her wisdom.  

1). What lead you to create your physical fitness center? 

When I first began as sensual dance instructor in LA I knew that some day I wanted a place of my own. Little did I know that the vision would come to fruition in Cleveland, Ohio.  At the heart of it, having a studio meant a chance to create a space where people felt a part of something very cool but not exclusive. The studio was to act as haven for those people seeking community, good music and good vibes. By hiring both instructors and a front of house team that were aligned with our values of community, personal growth, fun – to name a few – we also knew they would also impact our guests. Then the guests would hopefully take that impact through out their day with them. The power of energy transfer between humans is what I like to think of it as.

2).  When are you most observant?

Not sure. I feel like I’m observant most of the time. I feel things deeply; I am in gratitude over the tiniest details and moments that are beautiful to me. I naturally have always been inquisitive and wonder how things, people work.

3).  What role can silence play in a conversation?

I have a little thing I write on a paper and eventually taught myself to remember when I first began coaching others, which is W.A.I.T. – Why Am I Talking? Many of us are waiting for out turn to speak and it’s actually in the active listening that you get the most information about what is ACTUALLY being said/felt by the other person. 

4). What is the best purchase you have made in recent memory?

My gray tulle skirt for under $30 on Amazon. Always loved tulle skirts J

5). When have your instincts led you astray?

Never, it’s only when I don’t follow that I find it’s always lead me astray. Your instincts may lead you to a decision that is challenging or even difficult but I don’t believe it will lead you astray.

6). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

I’ve learned that failure is not a dirty word. It can be tough, painful even but with a different mindset it can be the very thing that can actually lead you to your success eventually. I’ve learned to work with failure by accepting that it will be part of almost every experience where risk is involved. I came to use those failures as education. Why didn’t it work? What can be done differently next time? What do I need to come to terms with and let go of? What do I need to stand my ground on? So you use it all to learn and grow from. I also learned to let go of one of the biggest fears around failure, which is, what will others think. Well usually the people who had the most to say about my failures were not out there taking risks of their own, so I learned to not listen to that set. To borrow loosely from Brene Brown; if you’re not in the arena slaying with me please shut the fuck up.

7). If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?




Why would you accept anything less? Why would you give anything less?

8). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

That balance does not exist in the way we’ve come to believe it’s supposed to. I no longer see it as everyday being a success if every quadrant of my life got what it needed. It’s just not possible to achieve that daily and because of that many of us feel like we’re failing all the time at balance. What I’ve come to realize is that balance is going to be a little different everyday. Sometimes my kids will need my attention and I’m ok with that meaning that I may have to miss an event at work. Vice versa, some days my kids have learned mom and dad will be working a lot that day so they won’t get as much of our attention. But they have come to trust that they will get it ten fold when I am focused on them. It’s a give and take daily but if all the most important parties involved are enrolled in your process then it gives them an opportunity to support you in the ways you truly need to make it all work.

9). What is your biggest challenge, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Currently it’s committing to more sleep. It really makes a huge difference and it’s just a matter of my breaking a few habits I am holding on to.

10). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Taking care of my business, helping it grow to the next level.

Making sure my kids have a fun summer off their screens as much as possible.

Getting comfortable with not knowing exactly what my next steps are beyond GrooveRyde.

11). What does approaching a breakthrough feel like?


Falling down

Breaking down

Letting go, standing up, and stepping into your truth.  

Thank you Anjua for sharing your truth and wisdom.  You can her on Instagram:  @the_electriclife.


Woman of the Week: Joy


Please join me in celebrating my friend Joy this week.  Her post is a little late this week due to the fact that she is running for public office and has been busy knocking on doors and doing interviews.  I met Joy eight years ago and this woman is a powerhouse who has worked in several different areas over the years, recently working helping seniors with their healthcare options and doing substitute teaching as well.  Her nickname is Mama Joy and she is one of the most awesome people to come into my life in recent years.  I know that she will do her best for her constituents when she wins her race for election.  All the Diva love to you Joy!

1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Do what you think you cannot do - Eleanor Roosevelt

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

Leaving my Taffy cookies out to get stale before I eat them. (Hey they get soft I love it)

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?

A white “pleather” crop jacket for $20. Original price $90

4). If you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

I’d want it posted right off the Narrows heading into the 26th District and I would want it to say - VOTE JOY STANFORD FOR WASHINTON

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

Cry and go into my myself and meditate

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Time, I don’t have enough time in the day

7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

Failure to me means success - because it means I am continuing to try and re-try - When I stop trying that would be the ultimate failure

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?

Text message from my granddaughter telling me she was proud to hear I was running for office

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?

Any and all women who are making a difference to make the lives of other women better

Glennon Doyle

Brene Brown

Nina Turner

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?

Eat healthy and exercise

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?

Calling bingo for Seniors and traveling to Mexico

12). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Raising money for my campaign, doing well in my upcoming interviews, doorbelling the most doors I can

Bonus question:

What do you continually ask yourself?

Have I done the best I can? And if not, how can I improve.

Thank you Joy for taking time out from your busy campaign to share with us.



Woman of the Week: Debbie

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This weeks WOW is Debbie!!  My sister from another mister.  Our brothers were best friends in high school and we found we had more than just our brothers in common.  She makes me laugh and is a design wizard!  Here is her interview!

1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Therapy! My husband & I tried for a very long time to have children with no success. In 2015, I had to have a hysterectomy, which ended that chapter in my life rather quickly. My therapist was a blessing, she really helped me deal with depression, and find new avenues of what my future could look like. She also gave me great tools for dealing with overwhelming emotions that would sometimes sneak up on me.

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

I make up songs up about my cats & sing them full volume to them. I crack myself up and try to share my cat-song writing prowess with others. My best song, you ask? I had a cat named Thumper, aka Thumps. When Black Eyed Peas came out with “my lovely lady lumps”, the song wrote itself:

‘My Thumps, My Thumps, My lovely kitty Thumps. Whatcha gonna do with all those claws, all those claws up in your paws? I’m gonna scratch, scratch, scratch and tear, scratch and tear your lovely chair.”

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?

A super fancy king size bed that doesn’t transfer movement. My husband jiggles & jerks his legs all night long, I didn’t realize how poor my sleep was until we got this bed. He’s also a blanket hog & ‘claims’ that I sleep like a starfish (ok, its true), so now there’s enough real estate and covers for both of us. Huge difference when you get enough sleep. Plus it’s soooo comfy. Hands down the best purchase of the last decade.

4). If you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?

Life is short. Break the rules.

Forgive quickly, kiss slowly.

Love truly, laugh uncontrollably

and never regret anything that makes you smile.

~Mark Twain


The USA is scary right now, so divided, so nasty. Just a reminder that life is fleeting, be human.

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

At work, I will ask questions, buckle my seatbelt and burn the midnight oil to dig out of the hole.

In life, use skills learned in therapy to cope & act appropriately. Then I’ll work out, then drink a glass of wine. Voila.

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Losing weight. Hormone therapy, pregnancies, surgeries and depression left me way heavier than I ever thought was possible. I’ve always been very active, my weight wasn’t really an issue, it might go up and down, but I could always reign it in. Wow, it is hard to lose weight when you sit at a desk 40+ hours a week. It is a daily struggle to diet, mostly because I SUPER hate feeling deprived and hungry. If other people are eating cake, I want cake. Luckily, I love working out, it’s the food part that gets me. I’m doing well, I know the right things to do and will get there.

7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

I was working in LA as the Tech Design Manager for imports. We were bought by VF corporation, who brought in their own Execs. My new boss decided on her first day, without meeting me, that she didn’t need me and that I was to be fired. Luckily, the VP of Production called me into her office and told me this was going down, and asked if I’d like to learn the domestic side of the business. The thing was, I didn’t. I was not interested in learning domestic production at all. But she convinced me to try it, and said “just think of these as new, different tools to put into your ‘career’ toolbox, it never hurts to learn more about another side of the industry.” I accepted. And, she was right. That adage “when one door shuts, another door opens” applied perfectly here. It was very eye opening for me, to take off your blinders and be aware of opportunities that present themselves. It helped me immensely in my career, shout out to Viviana! Woot woot!

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?

My husband recently opened a box from his mom, we’ve had it for 7 years, since she passed away. It was too painful to open it until now. I don’t know if his mom or sister packed it, but inside were some items that were very special to my mother in law, that we had given her as gifts. I was so happy to see these items that made that sassy little lady chuckle! I looked for these items when we helped set up the estate sale & was crushed that I couldn’t find them. An unexpected gift from the past.

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?

My husband. He says he loves my feisty spirit, he says its because I’m passionate. He is my biggest fan and always finds the bright side.

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?

Venture out & make real friends. Pick friends that actually like you, don’t hang out with the kids you grew up with just because it seems safer. Also, ease up with the partying and go to class!!

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?

Designing workout clothing, that’s where I started in the clothing industry & I’d love to be again. And teaching yoga or zumba, lol. I taught group fitness classes from age 18-34, mostly step aerobics, dance aerobics and kickboxing. I loved helping people achieve their fitness goals & the feeling of community at a local gym.

12). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Work, dieting, making new friends, and whether I should move back to LA?

Bonus question:

When does your curiosity create difficulty?

I have lots of curiosity, but I can’t think of when it has caused difficulty. Yawn, what a boring answer.



Woman of the Week: Bonnie


This weeks's Woman of the Week is Bonnie, who I met through my yoga classes.  She has been inspiring on so many levels.  We have also spent time talking after class and learning more about each other.  Here is her interview..  

1). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?
Embracing the phrase - It’s not you, it’s them.  I first thought this was absolving responsibility for interaction and wasn’t having it.  After really noticing people’s responses, it became clear that it’s a really good general guideline.  And even more, I realized that in many interactions, the people I’m interacting with are giving mixed signals about what they are communicating.  Sitting across from someone in conversation there are so many clues as to how this person believes what they say.  Many either don’t care to tell the truth, or they don’t really know what they are feeling, or aren’t listening to what they are saying.  In written media it’s harder but there are still clues.  I’ve started listening with my whole body and heart, and feel better about being confused.  It really is them!

2). What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?
I love absurdity in all forms.  Skipping down the street, creating a new walk for the Ministry of Funny Walks (Monty Python), shaking off all sense of decorum.  I like to be a kid.  Dammit, I can grab the balls of life and have fun.

3). What is the best purchase that you have made in recent memory?
OK, I’m struggling with this question.  I have bought all sorts of things that I love, but it is a shallow love and I’m not above having shallow love.  So then there are the experiences that I have to spend money to do.  Those tend to create more change and lasting impressions.  The latest is a 10 day silent meditation retreat that was profoundly hard and raised more questions than answers.  I found some deeper parts of myself and avenues to work on.  And love and humor.  And when I find love and humor, all is well in the world.

4). If you could have a giant billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?
Be Kind.  It’s so simple, yet if we spend more time being kind to our self and others, the ripple effect could make our world so much brighter.

5). When you feel unsure or overwhelmed what do you do?

I stop and say a prayer that my grandmother taught me:

Encircling arms of love, 




There’s also one thing that I’ve been doing as I go to sleep.  I repeat the word trust, and allow my body to sink into the bed.  It’s funny and maybe a bit sad how much I don’t trust the world to take care of me, and it’s a good thing to try in a safe environment.

6). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?
Me!  It comes down to attitude.  Generally speaking on a moment to moment basis, we don’t have to worry about dying, so most of our stumbling blocks is our attitude about what we are facing.  If I check on my attitude, I can change my perspective and things are solvable.

7). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?
My favorite failure is a crystallized moment of time when I was 29 and thought my life was a complete waste.  Nothing I expected was happening, nothing I was working for felt achievable, I felt like a nothing.  Invisible and worthless.  A friend brought me to a psychic which I thought would be a lark and I would have sunshine blown up my backside.  Then the psychic told me that everything I was focused on was beside the point.  I was furious.  And then.  And then, gradually, I realized that she was right, and all the things I was grasping for were not in my control.  And beside the point.   And the world cracked open a bit and I started working on the things that I could do something about.  And because of a change of perspective, or a change in luck, or focusing on things I could change, things started going my way.

8). What is the most memorable thing you have received in recent memory?
Well, it isn’t the most fun thing to receive, but it is memorable.  I found out I had colorectal cancer.  I had to have surgery that changed the way my body processes food and waste.  I am “cured” yet I don’t function like I used to.  And it sucks.  So all the expectations that I had about my future came into question.  The amount of hubris I harbored and still harbor - it turns out it’s a pretty heavy load.  So I have to begin again, and make friends with my imperfect body and continue to try to find a happy balance between what is and what I expect.  And be grateful for what I have now.

9). Who inspires you to be your best self?
Yes it’s corny, but it’s my kid - an eye rolling teenager.  Besides trying like hell to raise a good human, I’m continually quietly challenged by the way she interprets life.  It’s so different than mine and if I’m listening, it challenges me to look at what I hold dear.  And some of the time, I’m totally busted on adopting social mores that conflict with what I value, so I have to fess up and reframe my parenting rules.  It’s humbling.

10). What would you tell your 21 year old self?
Cribbed from SNL, “I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.”  It makes me laugh, but they are some wise words.

11). What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t part of the equation?
Exactly what I am doing.  I have every tool that I need to change my situation, and if I was super damn motivated, I could choose to do just about anything,  I’ve spent time thinking about what I think I’m missing - the dreadful YOLO (you only live once) meme.  I’m not motivated to change my circumstances.  I like what I’m doing now, where I live now, and my small scale and happy existence. I’m grateful.

12). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

Climate Change

The Truth - the big ultimate Truth

I wrestle with those questions just about every moment, and am trying to reject the guilt and do what I feel I need to do.  It’s hard.  So I turn back to trying to enjoy every stinking’ moment and my tension starts to ease.  Getting my panties all wadded up isn’t going to solve anything.

Bonus question:

Who inspires a sense of adventure within you?
My husband who is a nutty entrepreneur.  He has no critic that says not to embark on something that is out of his wheelhouse.  We have always had crazy sky-is-the-limit conversations and we have done things like sell the house and go cruising on a sailboat.  Others might find it unsettling to reexamine everything during a dinnertime conversation, but I find it sparks a sense of openness and thankfulness to live in a time when we have ridiculous options at our fingertips at every moment.  And we can actively choose to wholeheartedly do the things we feel that we have to do everyday and every moment.  

Bonnie, thank you so much for sharing all of your thoughts and ideas!



Monday Muse: Laura Brown

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Today we welcome Laura Brown from Of Spirit and Bone.  Laura offers intuitive tools for deeper living that include taro readings, intuitive dialog and energy work, a modern therapy option and manifesting sessions.  I found her on Instagram awhile ago and I love her posts, she does a daily taro interpretation and also does deeper dives on her blog.  You can find more about her at her website: 

Thank you Laura for sharing your thoughts with us in your interview.

1). As an intuitive reader, tarosit and coach, what should people better understand about you?

Ha! That I am really not interested in being liked for being liked sake. In my job I have to touch on some difficult topics and deliver some hard truths. In the very early days of my career I was often caught like a deer in headlights when I would come to these moments of challenge, fearful that once I told someone something they didn’t want to hear they wouldn’t like me. But the truth is you can hate me now and love me later, which most find they do because today truth is a pretty valuable commodity.

2).  What’s one thing that you feel sparked a pivotal moment in your life?

I would say that being pregnant with each of my kids sparked pivotal moments in my life. I really was overtaken each time with that Empress, fertile energy that is very inherent during this time. I accomplished more and stretched (literally and spiritually) beyond comfort zones to evolve as a woman but also as a spiritual business owner.

3). Who inspires a sense of adventure within you?

My husband. This man has energy to spare and is always down for an adventure, lemme tell ya! He helps to pull me out of my overly cautious demeanor and try new things. He reminds me that while I am here I better make sure to explore and taste absolutely every inch that this life has to offer.

4). What is the best purchase you have made in recent memory?

Sky diving with my husband. It was something we always said we wanted to do together and the opportunity arrived, and we jumped on it. I am not sure I will ever do it again but for those brief moments of soaring through the air I touched on that essence of being absolutely limitless. I mean, if I can jump out of an airplane is there really anything else I can’t do in this life?

5). Where is your favorite place to be a guest?

The Magnolia Hotel in Downtown Denver. It’s our families favorite place to have a little staycation. We schedule an in-room massage, explore downtown and eat the best food so that when we come home it’s with lots of love, relaxation and appreciation for a pause to our hectic schedule.

6). How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?  Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

The failure of my relationship to my son’s father was the greatest challenge and blessing I’ve encountered in my life. It’s what catapulted me out of smallness, got me to deepen my spiritual practice and ultimately led to me to where I am now which is married to the man of my dreams with a family, home and awesome business. I find that this “failure” like much of the others I’ve experienced in my life taught me something rather invaluable about who I am and what I am capable of. I have learned to look at failures as lessons of where I am meant to grow at this time and that has helped me to see beyond the veil of emotion and towards the bigger picture.

7). If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?


I think that this tiny word is such a powerful affirmation for life. It doesn’t matter if we fail. It doesn’t matter if we fall flat on our ass. It matters only that we dared to try.

8). In the last five years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

In the last 6 years I have made meditation a daily practice for me. I resisted meditation BIG TIME. Even in my line of work as an Intuitive Reader & Coach I spent many years pish poshing the idea of meditation with the excuse that I just didn’t have the time. I found, however that making the time for this simple practice proved to be life changing. Not only am I much better in my work but I am much better at this whole life thing with meditation in my life!

9). What is your biggest problem, issue or stumbling block in your daily life?

Time management! Ha, I am sure this is something many understand all too well but as a work from home mama with 3 kids, a busy career, a home that needs tending, dogs that want their walks and a rich desire to live this beautiful life to the fullest I have to be very careful to balance. And balance is such an organic, living thing, is it not? It’s not static and its always evolving which is why every day its sometimes a challenge for me to simply find my balance in the waves.

10). What three things are foremost on your mind right now?

The state of this country, my desire to raise conscious children who feel connected to their potential and a desire to love all of the people in my life to the fullest extent of my ability.

11). When does bravery become foolhardy?

Oh, such a good question. I think there is such a delicately fine line between the two! I think for me, however, that bravery becomes foolhardy when I act from a place of ego and not the heart. When ego is prompting my choices I often find myself with egg on my face. But when my heart is leading the way? Well I’ve taken many crazy leaps into the unknown and the bravery paid off.  

Thank you Laura for your down to earth and honest answers!  And yest time and the management of it are foremost on the minds of most of the women I interview and just talk to in my day to day life.  If I could figure out how to fix that for the women I know it would be a HUGE win!




Friday FIVE!!

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Yes it's Friday again, this weeks FIVE!

1:  Reading:  The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown.  I am reading this one again, a little slower this time.  Belonging is not the same as fitting in, in fact fitting in can keep you from true belonging.  We all need love and belonging.

2:  Quote from my functional medical specialist:  All of the men out there that can't get a date, the ones who murder others, who are so disconnected from themselves and from those around them are saying they can't connect and no one is helping them and they don't know how.  For those of us who are connected into our presence, our source, the energy around us, it is easy to misunderstand those that are so disconnected, just look at the present administration and how disconnected they are from the vast majority of the people in this country.  It is an interesting perspective and something that is really causing me to think a little deeper about what it means to be connected into being present, to seek out and connect with others and to hone those deep listening skills.

3:  Podcast:  Hannahlyze This.  Funny, interesting perspective on mental illness and challenges, funny, insightful, honest and just lays it all out there.

4:  Music:  It's summer, well sort of here in Seattle...  Reggae is the sound of summer for me, I created a reggae mix on Spotify just called reggae under my user name:  yogawithsherry.

5:  Naps, boy do I love naps and I have been trying out taking a nap on days when I don't wake up feeling like I got enough sleep.  A 20-30 minute power nap has been very effective.  Even if I don't fall all the way asleep, closing my eyes and resting helps.  Try it, you might like it!

And some grub that I have been playing around with ingredients...  Lots and lots of avocado!!

