Yes it's Friday again, this weeks FIVE!
1: Reading: The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. I am reading this one again, a little slower this time. Belonging is not the same as fitting in, in fact fitting in can keep you from true belonging. We all need love and belonging.
2: Quote from my functional medical specialist: All of the men out there that can't get a date, the ones who murder others, who are so disconnected from themselves and from those around them are saying they can't connect and no one is helping them and they don't know how. For those of us who are connected into our presence, our source, the energy around us, it is easy to misunderstand those that are so disconnected, just look at the present administration and how disconnected they are from the vast majority of the people in this country. It is an interesting perspective and something that is really causing me to think a little deeper about what it means to be connected into being present, to seek out and connect with others and to hone those deep listening skills.
3: Podcast: Hannahlyze This. Funny, interesting perspective on mental illness and challenges, funny, insightful, honest and just lays it all out there.
4: Music: It's summer, well sort of here in Seattle... Reggae is the sound of summer for me, I created a reggae mix on Spotify just called reggae under my user name: yogawithsherry.
5: Naps, boy do I love naps and I have been trying out taking a nap on days when I don't wake up feeling like I got enough sleep. A 20-30 minute power nap has been very effective. Even if I don't fall all the way asleep, closing my eyes and resting helps. Try it, you might like it!
And some grub that I have been playing around with ingredients... Lots and lots of avocado!!