Episode 57: Jane McCann
Well we worked out the mind bending time changes and sat for a good chat. The Middle Aged Goddess has a bit of an edge, is doing her best on another lockdown down under and making some changes in her life.
You can find her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themiddleagedgoddess/
Enjoy and happy Friday!
Episode 56: Karen James
I had such a fantastic time speaking with Karen and getting to know more about her life. We have become friends and supporters of each other in our pursuit to bring yoga/movement to people in ways that are available to those who might not be young and super mobile. It’s a long chat, but listen through to the end, there are some fantastic insights Karen has on being raised in an army family in the UK and being a black woman in the yoga/wellness arena.
You can find her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenjamesyoga/
Thank you for listening! Have a wonderful weekend!
Episode 55: Tarot Lori
I found Lori through another account I follow in Instagram, who will be on the pod this month too. I loved her style, her sense of humor, her direct manner and sense of humor. We had quite a conversation about life and tarot and spending 30+ years pursuing her craft. Links to find her below, I hope you enjoy our conversation and hear about the “Covid Cards”.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarot.lori/
Her website: https://www.tarotlori.com/
Episode 52: Erin Kelly
Erin Kelly is back for a revisit from season 1. We had to record twice, so I luckily had the pleasure to have two fantastic conversations with her which resulted in a very long version. This is part one and yes it does end abruptly as we lost our connection. Check back on Wednesday for the second part!
Thank you for joining us for all of these amazing conversations.
Episode 51: Steph Gongora
It was such a pleasure to get time to chat with Steph and hear all about the updates going on in her life. A lot has happened since the last time we spoke, a surprise pregnancy being a big one. Hear all about that, the decision to sell Flo retreat center in Costa Rica and how the Authentic Movements School is adjusting to the crazy times we find ourselves. There is plenty more to learn about in this chat…
You can find the new Authentic Movements membership practice site: https://practice.authenticmovements.com/
The online 200 hour training here: https://authenticmovements.com/online200HR/
And Steph on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/casa_colibri/
Thanks for listening!
Episode 49: Bentley & Heidi
This was quite a long conversation. We all had plenty to say. This is part one and the rest of the conversation will be available next Wednesday 7/29. This part is all about the pandemic as we recorded this in early May and well even in July things are still uncertain.
You will hear a musical intro that was written and recorded by Natalia Soul. She has written and recorded a theme song that I will be sharing with the second part of the conversation on Wednesday. Natalia was a guest from season one and we are working on another conversation next month.
You can find all of them on Instagram at the links below.
Thanks for joining me for another conversation with the ladies of the pod!
Episode 48: Jenna Jensen
Jenna is back for a check in conversation after a year of much change and learning about herself. We had this conversation in early May and well you know, life just rolled right over and kept throwing out more challenges, but here we are..
If you would like find Jenna on Instagram she is: https://www.instagram.com/yoginiinheels/
If you are interested in learning more about Somatic movements you can find Yoga in the Center here:
Thank you so much for joining me for another wonderful story with my ladies of the pod.
Episode 47: Clarissa Rankin
Episode 46: Trina Altman
This was such a treat to sit down and speak with Trina. She has helped me tremendously on my own path of exploration of movement. I did in fact get to go take her workshops in early March at https://www.yogainthecenter.com right before the world shut down. It was a treat and I enjoyed just being a student for the entire time. You can go look for her classes and any other upcoming workshops that may be coming in your area on her website: https://trinaaltman.com . If you want to find her on Instagram you can find her: https://www.instagram.com/trinaaltman
While we recorded this last July and a few things have changed since then, all of her wealth of information is there and she has finished the writing portion of her book. Look for it coming soon.
Thank you for joining me on this journey to share women’s stories. Trina’s story shows just how you can start in one spot and move on your journey to an entirely different space.
Episode 45: Morgan & Shawna
Morgan started yoga in her basement after 10 years of competitive swimming. Admitting that she hated yoga at first, she eventually found her way from her basement to a large following, creating her own E-book series leading to videos on her app. There has been a lot of life between that basement and today and she shares that journey.
Shawna, while a new introduction for me and admittedly less involved in social media, drew me into her own story and path. The both of them were on different trajectories that eventually lead them to each other. I appreciate their honesty, their real wish to share and this was one of those conversations that I did not want to end, I could have talked with them all day.
Enjoy and please share.
Episode 44: Kathryn Budig
Joining me is Kathryn Budig, back for another great conversation. One of things that I have found is that all the ladies I have contacted have time to chat right now. Not only did we talk about the situation in the world, we talked about books, her online book club and her new novel that she finished at the end of 2019. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we enjoyed it.
You can find Kathryn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathrynbudig/
You can find her book club, the Inky Phoenix on Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/theinkyphoenix/
If you would like to our first chat, she is Episode 18 in season one!
Happy listening!
Episode 42: Marina Chupac
Joining me today is Marina, a lawyer, a yogi, a self professed hippie as well as a skateboarder. She and her partner partnered up to create Zupac Law. Marina talks about what she wants to do with both yoga and the law practice together. The law firm is upstairs and the yoga studio is down stairs and not only do they offer regular yoga classes, but they host events as well in the space. In addition to that they have a mobile law office and they go out into the community to help people and work to demystify the work they do. Marina has a practice of manifesting not only her clients, but also the supporting staff that she works with.
You can find Marina on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehippielawyer/
You can find the law firm here: https://zupaclaw.com/
As always, thank you for listening and following the ladies of the pod!
Episode 41: Brooke Myers
Joining me today is Brooke Myers. She lives on the island paradise of Hawaii and shares fun and positive workouts from home for everyone to enjoy on Instagram. She combines her love of yoga, HIIT, squats and handstands to share a great full body workout. Brooke is a mom of two and we talk about the difference between her son and her toddler daughter and how much she loves the life of living on Hawaii. She also shares her very personal and vulnerable experience with an eating disorder. I am so grateful for her honesty and deeply personal journey.
You can find her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breathebrooke/
Enjoy another episode of Titanium Blonde Talks and thank you for listening.
Episode 40: Chandler Lawn
Joining me this week is Chandler, a singer, songwriter and teacher of music. She shares how she was introduced to music, who inspires her life and her music. She just finished her second year of USC in their business of music program. Chandler is also teaching kids through a program at USC that helps to offer music to kids in lower income neighborhoods.
You can find Chandler on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chandlersinging/
Thank you for listening, if you would share I would greatly appreciate it because my goal is get these stories of the ladies of the pod out in as many ears as possible.
Episode 39: Kindra Hall
Kindra and I had so much fun talking about stories together. She shared how telling stories became such a big part of her life. She wanted to venture out to create her own company and not knowing what that might look like, she explained how she got her first speaking engagement and how she decided that would be what she would build her business around. After all of her speaking opportunities, she wanted to be able to share her knowledge of the power of stories with a wider audience and that led her to write her book, Stories that Stick. Her book releases in September!
You can find her on Instagram: @kindrahall Her website: https://www.storiesthatstick.com/
Thank you for listening and have a wonderful weekend.
Episode 37: Mindy Jaffar part 2
This is part 2 of my conversation with Mindy. She shares all of the story around her mother’s murder in 2001 and the book she is writing. I loved hearing her motivation and dreams for what the book might help say about women as victims of violence.
Check out Mindy’s website: http://dearmindy.com/
Episode 36: Mindy Jaffar
Mindy joins me for another long conversation that will be available in two parts. Part 1 is all about her career in the military for 20 years, a surprise baby later in life and her transition back to civilian life. Mindy is a blogger, columnist and writer. Part 2 is all about her writing a book about the murder of her mother by a serial killer. Part 2 will be live on Wednesday, so come back to hear all about her research and work to write about the murders many years after the fact.
Thank you for listening.
Episode 35: Anjua Maximo part 2
This is the second part of my conversation with Anjua and if you haven’t listened to part one, please go and listen to that as well. She is filled with inspiring wisdom and learning.
Thanks for listening!
Episode 34: Anjua Maximo
Anjua Maximo is a force, she’s a master Life Coach, a speaker and co-founder of GrooveRyde. This woman is a mover and shaker, has some great business vision and brings a great attitude about life to round out the mix. We had such a great time chatting together that we just kept chatting and chatting. This was a long episode for just one episode, so I have divided into to two, a longer one with a shorter one that will go live next Wednesday. So please look for that mini episode next week.
You can find Anjua on Instagram: @theelectriclife
Her business website: http://www.grooveryde.com/
Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to share women’s stories. I have some great new things starting to gel together and I would love to keep you up to date, you can join my email list and I will be sending out newsletters to keep you all updated.