Episode 42: Marina Chupac

Joining me today is Marina, a lawyer, a yogi, a self professed hippie as well as a skateboarder. She and her partner partnered up to create Zupac Law. Marina talks about what she wants to do with both yoga and the law practice together. The law firm is upstairs and the yoga studio is down stairs and not only do they offer regular yoga classes, but they host events as well in the space. In addition to that they have a mobile law office and they go out into the community to help people and work to demystify the work they do. Marina has a practice of manifesting not only her clients, but also the supporting staff that she works with.

You can find Marina on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehippielawyer/

You can find the law firm here: https://zupaclaw.com/

As always, thank you for listening and following the ladies of the pod!
