
Tidbit Tuesday

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In my attempt to find more time in my day to get the things accomplished I need to, I also am trying to find more time for myself.  I am in a place where I feel my creativity is lacking and needs some inspiration and just doing at least one thing a day that is just for me.  I have a few suggestions for you if you are looking for some inspiration for yourself.

1:  Meditate, even if it is just for 5 minutes a day.  There are plenty of apps out there to help, or you can sign up for my email list and get access to my guided meditation page.  Right now there are two to choose from and they last about 10 minutes.

2:  Write, whether that is in a journal, keeping a gratitude log, or writing letters (not emails or texts but a real letter), or any other sort of writing (a book, a blog post, or just free form writing of your ideas).  Give yourself 15-30 minutes just to sit and write.

3:  Color, draw, paint

4:  Dance party to your favorite music

5:  yoga, either in a classroom, from a video or online or just doing a few stretches or rolling with a foam roller or a set of massage balls.

Many times we get so busy doing all of the things for everyone else, our job, driving, all the 'shoulds' we feel we need to do that we forget to put ourselves as a priority.  We have to fill up our cup so that we have something to pour out.

Make time for YOU, whatever feels good to you in the moment!



Titanium Tidbit Tuesday

Using 2 yoga blocks we can work to open both the shoulders and the front of the body.  Good for relieving pain from too much computer work, a great way to relax before bed and open space for the shoulders and the breath to move.