Friday FIVE!!

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Yay, it's Friday and that means it's time for the FIVE!

1:  Quote:  "When we stop caring what anyone thinks, we lose the capacity for connection.  When we're defined by what others think, we lose the courage to be vulnerable"   ~Brene Brown

2:  Reading:  Mindset, the new psychology of success, by Carol Dweck.  All about learning how to fulfill our potential.

3:  In my ears:  The Chase Jarvis Live Show podcast, the episode with Brene Brown, it's where the quote above came from.  Filmed in Seattle and his podcasts are created from the shows.

4:  Watching:  All of the videos by Lara Heimann on Instagram.  She is not only a yoga teacher but a physical therapist and she is rocking my yoga world and my physical body awareness off the mat right now.

5:  Pondering the power of pausing, while not my strong suit it is a powerful aspect showing up for me right now.  Whether it is opportunity flowing in or things I need to process and clean up, giving myself the time to hit pause and not rush, to stay present and lean in before I move further.  It's hard, really hard, but incredibly good..

